A Daily Record article about the fund drive for the purchase of more land for the park in Smithville. Submitted by Joyce Garn.
OCTOBER 14, 2017
Senior Airman Dana Keirstead, US Air Force saluting the battlefield cross during Veterans Memorial Presentation for Wayne County Farm Tour
OCTOBER 14, 2017
Captain David Tschantz, US Army Reserve playing bugle during Wayne County Farm Tour. Played from memory: Reveille, Assemby, To the Color and Taps.
AUGUST 3, 2018
The Wayne County Committee for Crippled Children donated a swing to the Smithville Park. Picture from The Daily Record.
OCTOBER 26, 2018
Make a Difference Day, groups of Green Local Middle School students were out to make the community a better place. One group stopped by Village Hall.
MAY 17, 2019
Green Local Schools Sophomore Community Service Day.
JUNE 2021
The local 4-H club painted the pavilion at the park. Thank you, it looks great.